Thursday 6 December 2012

Rethink on 
airfield Travellers’ site urged - Yorkshire

From the Yorkshire Post

Residents in a small village have raised concerns after learning a second Travellers’ site could be created on the airfield at Burn, near Selby.

Selby District Council is proposing that a second site is created at the airfield, in the small village and residents believe that a site should be found which is at another location in a different part of the district.

Paul Lush, one of those who is concerned, has written to the local authority calling for a rethink.

He says: “In promoting the additional Travellers’ site at Burn you are creating a societal imbalance.

“We live side by side with the existing Travellers’ site but you are proposing adding substantially to that site thereby changing the dynamic of the community.

“You intend placing the new site in Burn, a village with no shops, no schools, one pub, on a road with no footpaths, poor lighting, where traffic will have to turn onto the busy A19 – increasing the risk of traffic accidents.”

Work is currently taking place to draw-up a planning application.

A spokesperson for Selby District Council said: “National planning guidance dictates that local councils must identify land for a five year supply of Gypsy and Traveller pitches.

“If the council fails to comply it would be unable to robustly defend against illegal encampments anywhere in the district.

“The council’s executive has proactively sought the views of the local Traveller community and has listened carefully to representatives from Burn Parish Council who have put their case twice at recent executive meetings.

“Delivering the legal obligation to provide new pitches is a requirement we must meet.

“The site at Burn Airfield is owned by the Homes and Communities Agency which is the Government agency responsible for working with councils to deliver appropriate sites for Gypsy and Traveller communities. Work is now taking place to put in place a planning application, purchase the site and secure grant funding to develop the site.”

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