Monday 24 December 2012

Gypsy and Traveller Children - Social Work Project


Gypsies and Travellers (including Irish Travellers, Roma, English or Welsh Gypsies, Scottish Travellers, Showmen and Circus People, Boat Dwellers and New Travellers) are recognized under race relations legislation as minority ethnic groups, and under current equality duties statutory service providers have a duty to work with these communities.

Gypsies and Travellers are marginalised and discriminated against in British society, and social work with children from these groups is not exempt from this. There is research to suggest that practice is often culturally insensitive and fails to achieve good long term outcomes.

Department of Education data shows that in 2011 there were 110 looked after children defined as Irish Travellers, Gypsy or Roma, although it is likely that this is a significant under-recording. In addition to looked after children, there will be many more children from these groups who are subject to child protection procedures and who receive local authority services as children in need.

BAAF are working with academics and Travellers and representative organisations like the Irish Traveller Movement in Britain (ITMB) to look at developing resources that will contribute to more effective work with this client group. We hope that the outcomes from this project will include:

A DVD about Gypsy-Traveller experiences
A Good Practice Guide for Social Workers
An information booklet for the Gypsy-Traveller communities

There is a small project group taking this forward and we are particularly interested in hearing from:

Social workers who are prepared to share information (ideally as case studies) about the challenges and most importantly the successes working with children from this group (withholding all identifying information)
Foster carers or adopters from a Gypsy –Traveller background who are willing to speak with us about their experiences
Gypsies or Travellers who have experience of the care system and are willing to share their stories

For more information please contact either:

Paul Adams

BAAF Fostering Development Consultant

Yvonne MacNamara

Irish Traveller Movement in Britain (ITMB)


British Association for Adoption and Fostering (BAAF), Irish Traveller Movement in Britain (ITMB), and Edge Hill University.

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